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Releases: gokadzev/Musify


05 May 14:25
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Fix: Fixed overflow issue while adding songs in playlist
Add: Added offline layout while having no connection for better experience [BETA]
Add: Added 9 albums
Improve: Redesigned home page, player page, and other various components and gave the app more custom material 3 design style
Improve: Improved color scheme usage in some components so it's more accurate now
Improve: Updated Portuguese translation (Thanks to @GeovaneDev)
Improve: Made various improvements in UI
Improve: Boosted app stability and speed with quality and performance enhancements


29 Apr 12:43
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BREAKING BUILD: Please reinstall the app as we are back to the old versioning


05 Apr 09:59
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Fix: Don't remove a playlist in case of fetching error, instead mark it as a failed playlist
Fix: Fixed the 2 playlists artwork
Add: If no previous or next song is queued, rewind and fast forward buttons will show in notification
Improve: No need play all button anymore for playlists. You choose music from playlist, you chose playlist as well
Improve: Made various improvements in UI
Improve: Boosted app stability and speed with quality and performance enhancements


31 Mar 11:26
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Fix: Solved the problem of not restoring the user's preferred color after turning off dynamic coloring
Fix: Miscellaneous UI fixes
Improve: Made the system navigation bar and gesture pill look better
Improve: Made various improvements in UI
Improve: Boosted app stability and speed with quality and performance enhancements


24 Mar 15:29
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Fix: Several UI fixes for the lyrics card
Fix: Fixed slider bar color on the now playing page
Fix: Changed white titles with primary color on the playlist pages
Fix: Fixed audio duration on the song bar is shown incorrectly
Improve: Changed the search bar UI
Improve: Improved inputs UI
Improve: Added confirmation dialogs for clear recently played and search history
Improve: Made various improvements in UI
Improve: Boosted app stability and speed with quality and performance enhancements


21 Mar 16:39
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Fix: Use seconds for the slider instead of milliseconds
Improve: Changed lyrics UI so it will be shown differently now
Improve: Improved the now playing page
Improve: Updated translations
Improve: Made various improvements in UI
Improve: Boosted app stability and speed with quality and performance enhancements

Other: Changed the app versioning


09 Mar 18:34
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Fix: Don't add a false log of updater in non-fdroid version
Add: Added offline button in the full player page too
Improve: Updated Portuguese translation (Thanks to @GeovaneDev)
Improve: Made various improvements in UI
Improve: Boosted app stability and speed with quality and performance enhancements


28 Feb 13:18
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Add: Added an option to clear recently played history.
Fix: Fixed an issue where recently played songs weren't saved in certain cases.
Fix: Fixed 1 broken playlist.
Fix: Playlists are now shown on the home page.
Improve: Improved app theming implementation.
Improve: Adjusted the UI of the recently played page to match other playlists.
Improve: Eliminated opening delays on the artist page.
Improve: Made several changes to the mini player bar.
Improve: Improved the default text color for dark mode.
Improve: Gave a better look to options in settings.
Improve: Added indicators for active theme mode and language bars.
Improve: Added beta symbols for system and light mode themes.
Improve: Improved bottom sheet UI for settings.
Improve: Removed black border for the light mode.
Improve: Updated input style for consistency.
Improve: Reduced calls to the colorScheme within frequently used contexts.
Improve: If there is no artist detected, their widget won't be rendered.
Improve: Made various quality and performance improvements for app stability and speed.


28 Feb 12:57
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Add: Added an option to clear recently played history.
Fix: Fixed an issue where recently played songs weren't saved in certain cases.
Fix: Fixed 1 broken playlist.
Fix: Playlists are now shown on the home page.
Improve: Improved app theming implementation.
Improve: Adjusted the UI of the recently played page to match other playlists.
Improve: Eliminated opening delays on the artist page.
Improve: Made several changes to the mini player bar.
Improve: Improved the default text color for dark mode.
Improve: Gave a better look to options in settings.
Improve: Added indicators for active theme mode and language bars.
Improve: Added beta symbols for system and light mode themes.
Improve: Improved bottom sheet UI for settings.
Improve: Removed black border for the light mode.
Improve: Updated input style for consistency.
Improve: Reduced calls to the colorScheme within frequently used contexts.
Improve: If there is no artist detected, their widget won't be rendered.
Improve: Made various quality and performance improvements for app stability and speed.


21 Jan 17:30
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Improve: Removed unused READ_MEDIA_AUDIO permission as it's totally unused after removing the "Download feature"
Improve: Removed WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE & READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions for F-droid builds As they are only used for built-in updater which isn't available for F-Droid